Welcome to FBC Union
We would like to extend a warm welcome to you and your family to come visit us in person here at First Baptist Union. We have ministries for all ages. We desire to serve and minister to the whole family.
It is our hope and prayer that you will be challenged and changed through the expositional preaching of God’s Word, Christ-exalting music, and warm, friendly fellowship. Our primary focus is preaching Jesus Christ and Him crucified; exalting Christ as the way, the truth, and the life, God’s One and Only Son, God incarnate, through whom a sinful person can come to God the Father and be reconciled to Him. We hope to see you soon! The state of your eternal soul before God should be your greatest concern in life, whether you will spend eternity in Heaven or Hell. We will be more than happy to speak to you about this most important matter.
We are starting a new Wednesday Night Kids Program! ADVENTURE CLUB!!!
This program was developed by Grace Community Church to grow kids strong in the faith!
Click the link below to go to their page for more information about this curriculum.
Join Us
- Sunday School: 9:15 am (all ages)
- Worship Service: 10:30 am
- Truth Zone (4 yrs old- 5th grade): 5:00 pm
- Adult Bible Study: 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
- Faith Bible Institute Elective Courses: 6:00 pm
- Prayer Meeting (every other week): 6:30 pm
- Adventure Club: 6:00 pm- 7:45 pm
Youth Bible Study (Boot Camp): 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
- Pastor’s Bible Study: 1:00 pm
- Women’s Bible Study: 6:00 pm
1st Saturday of each Month
- Men’s Bible Study: 8:00am Breakfast together 8:30am study starts
Small group bible studies for all age groups from babies to Senior Adults. Our kid’s classes from birth to teens use Answers in Genesis curriculum. This curriculum provides a systematic teaching of the whole Bible so that children have a firm understanding of the Bible as whole, not just individual stories. They cover all the core doctrines of the Christian faith as well. Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice for our sin is at the core of all their lessons.
There are many Adult classes which use a variety of biblically sound bible studies that are meant to ground their students in God’s Word, designed to equip them.
In seeking to reach children (4 years - 5th grade) with the gospel and to thoroughly equip them to live for the Lord, we have a weekly children’s program called Truth Zone. This ministry offers children an opportunity to grow deep in their understanding of God’s Word and learn how to practically apply the biblical principles they are learning in their daily lives. This ministry is divided up into three main parts: Bible lessons, Bible memory, and games. Students will learn the importance of hiding God’s Word in their hearts (Ps. 119:11). They will also have time to enjoy fun and energetic games to release some of that super abundant energy. Students have the opportunity to earn rewards and prizes for their attendance and hard work.
This ministry meets weekly on Sunday nights from 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. Transportation is available to any who may need a ride.
A Bible based children's program that includes Bible lessons, verse memorization, game time, and creates lifetime friendships. We hope you can join us each Wednesday night to help your child grow in God's Word.
The core vision of the youth ministry here at FBC Union is focused on reaching teens with the gospel of God’s grace, teaching them the whole counsel of God, and equipping them and their parents with the tools to live their lives as disciples of Christ for the glory of God.
To accomplish this core vision, there are three main ministry events.
- Special Opps – This is our small group bible study on Sunday mornings from 9:15 – 10:15 a.m. This is a systematic teaching through the Bible and core doctrines using the Answers in Genesis Sunday School material.
- Crossfit – This is our Sunday evening parent-teen discipleship time. We meet from 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. every Sunday evening. We cover a variety of relevant topics to equip both parents and teens to be fully committed disciples of Jesus.
- Bootcamp – This is our weekly Wednesday night bible study from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. This is a night where youth can connect with other youth for a time of worship, prayer, bible study and games.
This is a DVD based curriculum Bible Study that meets once a week on Monday’s at 6:00 p.m. This year FBC- Union is studying the elective courses from this nationwide Bible school. These classes include studies on creation vs. evolution, Bible prophecy, case for the Resurrection of Christ and many more. If you are interested in taking this class or would like to know more about it just go to fbiclass.com.
Our Staff
Greg Cross
Pastor Cross received his Master of Divinity Degree from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, MO. Greg loves God, he loves God’s people, and will do his best in God’s strength to equip and disciple His people to enable them to live more productive Christian lives and to witness their faith to other people. Greg has been married to Kris for 42 years and she still loves him in spite of himself (Pastor’s words). They have three children: Joshua, Rachel and Daniel.
Chris Fusco
Attended Brookes Bible Institute in St. Louis, MO and graduated with 2 year Diploma. Also graduated from Calvary Bible College with a Bachelors of Arts with combo major of Pastoral Studies and Youth Ministries. He is married to his lovely wife Chelayne and has two amazing children, Tristan and Kylee. He loves just hanging out with his family and enjoys all kinds of sports, especially the Stanley Cup St. Louis Blues.
Upcoming Events
- 02/18, 3:00 pm: Good News Club
- 02/18, 6:00 pm: FBI Biblical Archeology
- 02/18, 6:30 pm: Prayer Meeting
- 02/19, 6:00 pm: Adventure Club
- 02/19, 6:00 pm: Youth Group